You will find everything you're looking for to survive in the Vault.

How to explore wasteland in Fallout Shelter

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There is an entire world outside of your vault. Send people with high endurance out into the wild—maybe they’ll find something good out there. 
How to explore wasteland in Fallout Shelter

You’ll want to make sure your explorers are properly equipped, of course: this means good gear, and a decent supply of items. I like to send off people with at least 2 stimpacks and 2 radaways; this is typically enough for a day trip.

The longer you keep your agent on the field, the better stuff they’ll find. It’s still a gamble, though; you never know if something out there will kill your dweller. Death, thankfully, is not a big deal. Reviving characters is cheap! But if you can avoid it, you should. Make sure to monitor your dweller’s health while out in the wasteland, and if things get dicey, recall them right away. Return trips to the vault take half the time it took to get there in the first place. So a 4 hour trip requires you to wait 2 hours for a return.

I like to check up on my dwellers out in the field often—some of the best writing in the game happens in the adventure logs. Since exploration is the best way of finding gear, I keep at least a few dwellers on the wasteland at any given moment.

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