You will find everything you're looking for to survive in the Vault.

How to keep dwellers happy

You want your vault dwellers to be happy.

How to keep dwellers happy

They’ll produce more resources and they won’t make you look at their dumb sad faces. Generally, as long as you’ve got plenty of resources, spirits will be pretty high. The way to push a vault dwellers happiness up is to have them working in a room that they specialize in. If they don’t specialize in anything, get them training. This brings most up to 75% or 85% happiness. For that last boost, sometimes the only thing to do is make them mate. Dwellers have always come out of WooHoo time with 100% happiness in my experience, and it lasts a while.Your happiness level will be tracked every 24 hours, so make sure you check in for your Caps. Once you’ve checked in 7 days in a row, you get a lunch box. When I had around 50 vault dwellers, happiness and management was easy. People in the Game Room ALWAYS had 100% happiness as well.

It's worth mentioning that there are Game Center leaderboards in this game. One for points/score, which I don't fully understand. One for best happiness, and another for highest number of rooms. Playing this game can feel a lot like spinning plates. Just keep growth slow and steady, and you’ll be fine. The tortoise and the hare and all that. Happy Overseeing!